We're a locally owned and operated outdoor gear, equipment, clothing, and accessories retailer in Buena Vista, Colorado.
Our purpose is to help create opportunities for people to get out and play in some pretty amazing parts of the Colorado Rockies. We love what we do and are excited to connect with you. Let us know what you like to do or how we can help provide some fun activities or adventures while you’re here in BV!
So swing by and say hello. We’d love to show you around the shop. We can’t wait to say hi, help you find some fun things to do, or get you set up with some new gear.
(Chances are, one of these people will ring you up for your dehydrated noodles)
Favorite Hobbies/Activities:
Rock climbing, sleeping, and traveling.
Favorite Local Adventure:
Rock Climbing near the Midland Tunnels.
One thing you can’t live without in woods or water:
Favorite adventure you haven’t taken yet:
Traveling to Bhutan.
VP Operations
Favorite Hobbies/Activities:
Biking, skiing, nerding out about insulation jackets, watching football, reading business books, and spending time in the backcountry, whether that's on a bike, on the river, or in the snow.
Favorite Local Adventure:
Hiking to the top of Midland Hill to see the awesome views of the Mountains and Arkansas Valley; backpacking through the San Isabel National Forest; and long bike rides to explore new areas around BV.
One thing you can’t live without in woods or water:
Favorite adventure you haven’t taken yet:
Completing a bike tour and a through hike (unsure where yet!).
General Manager/Equipment Buyer/Janitor - BV
Favorite Hobbies/Activities:
Trail running, mountain biking, skiing, climbing, sketchy Mexican food
Favorite Local Adventure:
Spring skiing on Cottonwood Pass, heckling the town deer, and climbing around Transmitter Tower
One thing you can’t live without in woods or on water:
Flushable wet wipes and a Voile ski strap
Favorite adventure you haven’t taken yet:
Bike touring the Icefields Parkway in Canada and ending with a Poutine Crawl in Banff
Store Manager/ Women’s buyer: WP
Favorite Hobbies/Activities:
Biking (preferably DH), skiing, playing hockey poorly, fly fishing, and eating ice cream
Favorite Local Adventure:
Biking all day at Trestle, Skiing the deeeeep pow pow, or having a refreshing bevy at Hideaway Brewery with all my friends
One thing you can’t live without in woods or on water:
My glasses… I can’t see without my glasses
Favorite adventure you haven’t taken yet:
Exploring Santorini or taking my bike to Italy
Inventory Guru & HR - BV
Favorite Hobbies/Activities:
Golf, skiing, river stuff, not hiking (except for this one photo from Nepal)
Favorite Local Adventure:
Avoiding eye contact with various groups of people at Cottonwood Hot Springs
One thing you can’t live without in woods or on water:
Favorite adventure you haven’t taken yet:
Raft the Grand Canyon
iSteven Gutierrez
Floor Manager - BV
Favorite Hobbies/Activities:
Exploring outside, all snow sports, backpacking, mountain biking, climbing, fishing, camping, eating
Favorite Local Adventure:
Exploring alpine lakes, night fishing, floating the river, bouldering in four-mile
One thing you can’t live without in woods or on water:
coffee, lighter, sandals, snacks, Platypus Quickdraw
Favorite adventure you haven’t taken yet:
Colorado Trail hike/bike, longboarding down Cottonwood Pass, hiking in Nepal & Norway
Floor Manager Assistant - BV
Favorite Hobbies/Activities:
Climbing rocks, laughing, single speeding, backpacking
Favorite Local Adventure:
Bouldering at my spot and chicken runner at Chocolate Tower
One thing you can’t live without in woods or on water:
Snickers, almond hershey bars, aquaphor, beanie
Favorite adventure you haven’t taken yet:
Canoe the Mississippi
Shift Lead - BV
Favorite Hobbies/Activities:
Fly fishing, backpacking, snowga/doga
Favorite Local Adventure:
Tubing the Numbers, heli biking Mt. Elbert, free climbing chalk cliffs, snorkeling the Scout Wave
One thing you can’t live without in woods or on water:
Multi-tool, ferro rod, "cold snacks"
Favorite adventure you haven’t taken yet:
Fly fishing for golden dorado in Bolivia
Sales Associate & Most Tenured Employee at The Trailhead - BV
Favorite Hobbies/Activities:
Moto touring throughout North America (Alaska into Mexico) on my BMW 800 GS, fat biking, mountain biking, road biking, bike packing, trail running, back country skiing, cross country skiing, challenging my hang board, reading, cooking, baking, watching season 6 of Game of Thrones, visiting the New Mexico hot springs, trail building, and eating pie!
Favorite Local Adventure:
Backpacking or trail running in the Fourmile area.
Favorite adventure you haven’t taken yet:
Visit to Alaska on GS 800 to ride to Invec, Canada (way above Canadain Artic Circle, moto to Cobo San Lucas, Mexico - Baja) and riding my mountain bike to Antalope Wells (Mexican Border on Divide route), New Mexico.
Shift Lead - BV
Favorite Hobbies/Activities:
Rock climbing, fly fishing, hiking, skiing
Favorite Local Adventure:
Mt. Elbert
One thing you can’t live without in woods or on water:
Rain jacket
Favorite adventure you haven’t taken yet:
Banff National Park